Shopping in Amsterdam
Amsterdam has an important commercial offer that includes from the big international fashion chains, to small antiques shops or curious shops with the most original objects.
The city offers many different environments, so it is possible to buy both in small markets where the haggling is practiced, and in the most luxurious boutiques capable of offering unique products.
Typical Amsterdam products
Cheeses: If there is a country that stands out for its world cheese production, it is without a doubt Holland.
The three most popular types of cheese produced in the Netherlands are the famous Gouda, a semi-cured cheese with intense flavor, very sweet and ball-shaped Edam cheese, and the Massdam cheese, characteristic for its hard crust with Holes.
A diamond is forever: Amsterdam is the city of diamonds. You will find them as loose, as in original design jewelry, gold or other precious metals.
In the most famous houses dedicated to the carving and sale of diamonds you can see how the carvers of Amsterdam work, considered the best in the world. Among the most outstanding is Coster Diamonds, where guided tours are free and conducted in more than 25 languages. The guides will lead you through the rooms where the diamond is cut and polished.
You can also see some experts working on diamonds at Gassan Diamonds, a company that has been following tradition for more than four centuries. It is located in the historical center of Amsterdam.
If you are in the vicinity of Dam Square, you can visit the Diamond City, the Amsterdam Diamond Center, where you will be shown the processes that have been carried out in the interior since 1586.
The clogs: In Amsterdam you can enter the premises of some workshops of clogs where the artisans work giving shape and color to these peculiar wooden shoes.
Clogs were used for years as daily footwear, because in lands as wet as the Dutch, enameled wood is a good form of protection against water, and above all is the most economic.
The traditional clogs are painted yellow and red, although you will find them for all tastes.
Tulips: One of Amsterdam's essential gifts are its tulips. There you will find tulips of more colors of which you have imagined.
To take them as a souvenir or gift, it is best to buy tulip bulbs, much easier to transport.
Amsterdam offers the possibility of buying original works in its art galleries, although also very good reproductions of the works of famous artists are on sale.
Pottery: Traditional Dutch pottery is white and painted blue. The best known is the one made in Delf.
Main commercial areas
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